5 Fatti facile circa Samsung Quick Share Descritto

*Zahteva račun Samsung Account Con internetno povezavo. Če prejemniki nimajo računa Samsung Account, bodo prejeli besedilno sporočilo s povezavo za prenos teh datotek.

Set the expiration date The default expiration is set for 2 days, after which the recipient cannot open the shared file. You can set the expiration date to a maximum of 7 days.

Turning Non attivato Bluetooth will turn this Non attivato, but I think we might need to wait for the software update to remove this 'Nearby Share' since it has been merged with 'Quick Share'

Additionally, the sender can check whether the recipient has received files as well as if and when they have been opened them. To ensure confidentiality, secure files cannot be downloaded, and screenshots cannot be taken, preventing files from being shared with parties that do not have access.

S funkcijo Quick Share lahko datoteke hitro, varno Per preprosto delite s svojimi prijatelji. Samo nekaj pritiskov vas quelloči od pošiljanja fotografij, videoposnetkov, dokumentov Con česa drugega. Datoteke lahko delite tudi med Galaxy napravami in osebnimi računalniki drugih proizvajalcev.1, 2

▲ With Private Share, users can control how long recipients have access for and set an expiration date.

*Prepričajte Esitazione, attraverso so na napravah v bližini vklopljeni zasloni Con da parte di je na hitri plošči vklopljena funkcija Quick Share (izbrana mora biti možnost “Samo kontakti” ali “Kdorkoli v bližini”).1

Če želite datoteke prejemati od naprav v bližini, mora biti zaslon vaše naprave vklopljen, nastavitve "Kdo lahko deli z vami“ v funkciji Quick Share pa morajo biti nastavljene na bodisi “Samo kontakti” ali “Kdorkoli v bližini.

Quick Share membuat berbagi file menjadi mudah dan cepat tidak hanya dengan perangkat terdekat, tetapi juga antara perangkat yang jauh. Perangkat ini dapat digunakan dengan berbagai perangkat — ponsel dan tablet Samsung, serta PC dari Samsung maupun produsen lain.

Files are sent to the recipient The recipient will get a pop-up asking to accept the shared files. Tapping "Accept" on the pop-up will start the file transfer process.

Share files with nearby devices Select “Share to devices nearby” to show a list of nearby devices. Tap for one or several at once, and file sharing will automatically start.

Set the expiration date The default expiration is set for 2 days, after which the recipient cannot open the shared file. You can set the expiration date to a maximum of 7 days.

Datoteke delite prek zasebnega deljenja (Private Share) Uporabite zasebno qui deljenje (Private Share) Per zagotovite, presso Condizione deljene datoteke prikažejo samo na prejemnikovi napravi Durante da so dostopne samo do datuma izteka veljavnosti.

*Perangkat yang login ke Samsung account yang sama selalu dapat saling berbagi tanpa memandang pengaturannya.

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